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Barrick Gold Corporation Agreements Summary


    Announced October 26, 2020

    • $3.5 million cash, issued 750,000 shares and granted a 2.5% NSR in exchange for the 2,112 mineral-acre Maitland project to Barrick.
    • Initial Phase 1 drill program of 16-20 holes for 90,000 feet now underway.

    Original Surface Option Agreement Announcement September 7, 2021. Click for news release. 

    Amended Option Agreement Announced Feb 6, 2025. Click for news release.

    • Extended option period for Surface Barrick Option Agreement (or Homestake option) until December 31, 2028 in return for additional annual payments of $340,000. The first of these payments are due March 1, 2026.

    Extension of Surface Option Agreement Announcement November 20, 2023. Click for news release.

    Key highlights include:

    • $1.3M paid in cash and issued 1 million shares to acquire 4,261 acres of surface rights with attendant facilities and data. 
    • Provides for exclusive access to Homestake’s extensive historic data sets which chronicle its 145-year exploration and mining history throughout South Dakota.
    • The potential for the Company to repurpose already disturbed land for exploration and development within the Homestake District.
    Amended Option Agreement Announced Feb 6, 2025. Click for news release.
    • The option period for Richmond Hill has been extended until December 31, 2028 in return for additional annual payments of $170,000. The first of these payments are due March 1, 2026.
    Amended Option Agreement Announced Sept 9, 2022. Click for news release.
    • An 18-month extension to the original 3-year option term pushing the option exercise date to March 7, 2026.
    • Inclusion of an addtional 600 acres of 100% mineral rights owned by Homestake within and around the Wharf Mine Property. This bring the total acres under the Richmond Hill option agreement to a total of 2,726 acres.  
    • Under terms of the agreement, the Company will issue an additional 180,000 shares to Barrick. Other terms and obligation within the original option agreement will remain unchanged.
    Announced October 14, 2021. Click for news release. 
    • Issued 400,000 shares to acquire 2,126 acres of surface and mineral rights with facilities.
    • The Company may exercise the option by assuming all of the liabilities and issue an additional 400,000 shares and grant a 1% NSR.

    Highlights include:

    • Solidifies Dakota Territory (now Dakota Gold Corp.) as the leading South Dakota exploration company through increasing its property package to 34,657 mineral acres (38,918 acres total), the largest property package in the Homestake District.  
    • Three target types recognized on the Richmond Hill Property: 1) Pre-Cambrian Iron Formation (two separate ledges outcrop on the property and contain high grade gold mineralization of Tertiary and/or Pre-Cambrian age), 2) Tertiary mineralization (oxide and sulfide) found in volcanic rocks, breccias, Paleozoic/Pre-Cambrian replacements, and structures defined by previous operator with potential for expansion (only partially explored and open in several directions), and 3) Breccia pipes (collapse breccias are open at depth with a potential high grade component).
    • Initial Phase 1 $1 million drill program of 16-20 holes for 90,000 feet that the Company anticipates commencing in the first quarter of 2022 to follow up on the above three targets.
    • Contains immediate drilling targets for key target types being pursued by Dakota Territory (now Dakota Gold Corp.) in the greater Homestake District.
    • Increases Barrick’s potential shareholdings to 5.55 million shares of common stock of the Company (“Shares”), representing a potential 7.48% interest in Dakota Territory (now Dakota Gold Corp.)

Map showing agreements with Barrick Gold Corporation

Map showing agreements with Barrick Gold Corporation

Dakota Gold Corp.

Barrick Agreement Overview

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